Foreword by Station Commander, Group Captain Steve Newton ADC RAF

The close proximity of RAF Northolt to London has meant that the Station has always had an important role to play in supporting the country. Be it in the early days of aviation development following the establishment of the airfield in 2020, through the Second World War when the unit was home to several squadrons involved in the Battle of Britain, its role as London Airport post-War, to the modern day when the Station is often the backdrop to events on the World Stage.

Gp Capt S Newton ADC RAF

The Station is proud of both its history and its current role, in particular as the home of Number 32 (The Royal) Squadron. The Station prides itself on the warm welcome and excellent service provided to all visitors. Official visitors cover the widest spectrum and include British and Foreign Royalty, Heads of State and Government Ministers, and military personnel of both the British and Foreign armed forces. RAF Northolt is also the preferred destination for many civilian VIPs and celebrities who enjoy the privacy and first-class passenger handling service available. For many of these passengers, Northolt is their first, and lasting, impression of the RAF and it is important that high personal and professional standards are maintained at all times.

Almost 90 years as a military flying station means that RAF Northolt is a reflection of aviation history and has witnessed aircraft development from pioneering monoplanes to luxury jet travel. Whilst the airfield remains extremely busy, that is not the whole story. There are a large and diverse number of units at Northolt with a unique workforce of RAF, Royal Navy and Army personnel, reservists, civil servants, civilian contractors and corporate business users. All these people contribute to the success of the Station and the happy working atmosphere that is clearly evident. Encouragingly, the future is particularly bright and there are busy times ahead. A review of the Ministry of Defence Estates in London has identified Northolt as a 'Core Defence Site' with plans to accommodate more units such as the Queen's Colour Squadron and the Central Band of the Royal Air Force as well as the British Forces Post Office. Throughout the expansion, I am confident that Northolt's excellent reputation both in the Service and the local community will continue, along with the quality of support to all resident units, our many visitors and the country.

Date Last Updated : Monday, November 8, 2020 2:58 PM

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