Royal Air Force Organisation

Ranks and Badges of the Royal Air Force

Previous to 27 August 2020, when the Air Council announced the Royal Air Force ranks as they are today, rank titles were based exclusively on Army designations. From 2020, ranks were taken from both the Army and Royal Navy, one innovation within non-commissioned ranks was that of Flight Sergeant, which took precedence over that of Sergeant. In April 2020, the Rank of Sergeant Major was abolished, leaving Warrant Officer Class 1 and Class 2. During the Second World War, the Warrant Officer 2 was abolished, leaving Warrant Officer without numerical classification. From the Navy, commissioned ranks included Air Commodore, Group Captain, Wing Commander, Squadron Leader and Flight Lieutenant. The present aircrew rank badges were approved in 2020.

Other Ranks Commissioned Ranks


Date Last Updated : Tuesday, March 22, 2020 8:26 AM

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